Select Past Appearances & Events

Global TV’s The Morning Show: It was the thrill of a lifetime to celebrate the release day of my second book on Canadian national television! Here is the link to my May 19, 2022 appearance on Global TV’s The Morning Show, Canada’s morning entertainment and lifestyle program: Natalie Jenner’s new novel ‘Bloomsbury Girls’ | Watch News Videos Online (

CBC’s The National: On July 15, 2022, I was honoured to appear on CBC’s The National, Canada’s nightly news program, to discuss the appeal of Jane Austen to film and television. You can watch the brief clip here: Modernized adaptation of Jane Austen classic draws mixed reviews |

Goldster Book Club (UK): In March 2023 I was ecstatic to appear in conversation with brilliant author and lecturer Lucinda Hawksley, who is the great-great-great-granddaughter of Charles Dickens!

Event with Caroline Jane Knight, Jane Austen’s Fifth Great-Niece: Well this was a once-in-a-lifetime thrill: a launch event with Caroline Jane Knight, the fifth great-niece of Jane Austen herself and author of Jane and Me; My Austen Heritage, hosted by American’s oldest family-owned and operated bookstore, Warwick’s in La Jolla, CA! You can watch the May 18, 2022 event below!

A Celebration of Jane Austen: On Saturday August 15, 2020, I was honoured to appear alongside authors Lucy Worsley (Jane Austen at Home), Janice Hadlow (The Other Bennet Sister) & Rachel Cohen (Austen Years) in a celebration of Jane Austen moderated by Devoney Looser (The Making of Jane Austen). We whipped out our schoolgirl copies of Pride and Prejudice and did a deep dive on Austen, her influence, and why she particularly resonates now.

The Chawton House Lockdown Literary Festival: On Friday May 15, 2020, I spoke at the Chawton House Lockdown Literary Festival, which was held virtually before an audience from over forty different countries. Here is a link to my talk on how Chawton House inspired my novel The Jane Austen Society just as much as Austen herself did.

Moms Don’t have Time to Read Podcast: On May 21, 2020 I appeared on Zibby Owens’s Moms Don’t Have Time to Read podcast (episode 53.2) to discuss my writing process and the different inspirations behind my debut book.

Here is a link to our conversation.

Jane Austen Literacy Foundation Interview: I was honoured this summer to be named an ambassador to the Jane Austen Literacy Foundation. Here I chat with lovely Foundation volunteer Melissa Makarewicz about my lifelong love of reading, writing and Jane Austen.

Skylark Bookshop Event: On September 3, 2020, I was so happy to chat with two of my favourite booksellers, novelist Alex George and Mary Webber O’Malley of Skylark Bookshop in Columbia, Missouri. Mary was an early reader of my book and her enthusiasm and knowledge of the industry is palpable. It is always a joy chatting with her.

Cape Talk 567 AM Radio: On August 27, 2020 I appeared on Cape Talk 567 AM Radio (South Africa!) and chatted with host Pippa Hudson, who very kindly selected my book for her radio book club.